Monday, January 3, 2011

Very violent Rap Music Crime ganster capo.

Very Violent Rap music crime Lord Named Sean Puffy Combs has assigned Very violent Rap music Gangster thug capo named Ludacris to be in charge of the rap music gansters headquatrers in Chicagio,fellow very violent rap music gangsters named Kayne West and Neo-yo will both help him run it.
The Rapper named Ne-yo is wanted the F.b.i FOR stealing hats from the house of a very famous singer,who passed away many years ago,his family is mad at him for wearing his hats.
And One THING this very violent Rap MUSIC gangster capo thugs has 6000 mexican drug catrel gunmen on his Payroll.
There were uncomfirmed reports that a very violent and scarey looking HIT Woman who lives in Stockholm Sweden ,who is a psyopath killer and she is deranged and she wanted by the russian mob,for stealing millions of dollars in cash from them, by using a computer at the bristsh embassy in Stockholm Sweden, she used their computer to hack into one of their bank accounts.
This Swedeish Hit woman was spotted by Bristsh embasasy personal who got into a very violent gun battle with her,500 britsh royal marines chased her out of the bristah emassy,and 5000 Bristsh s.a,s commandos got into another gun battle with her outside the bristsh embassy in stockholm Sweden.
This Swedish hit woman psypath some how esacaped and surived the gun battle and got on a bristsh airways airliner to chicagio, to casuse more trouble.
The Britsh Government Told Doggie U.S President Lizzie the dog about what happened.
Doggie U.S President Lizzie the doggie used her doggie hotline to call Jack Ryan Human C.I.A Director ,to tell him about happened at the bristish embassy in Stockholm,SWEDEN.
doggie u.s homeland secuirty diecroty named Frosty the dog,who works out of the basement of crooked ceo gordon Gekko, had the C.I.A ,F.B.I AND ALL mAJOR U.S police deptment put on alert.
Doggie u.s Chief of Staff named Major Moo was also told by Lauire who in charge of the NATIONAL Securty Angency,who works for Thomas Reyonals,who is charge of it.

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